University Student Failed For Writing About “Biological Women”

A female sophomore at the University of Cincinnati says a professor gave her a zero on a college project for using the term “biological women.”

Olivia Krolczyk, 20, said the professor for her Women’s Gender Studies in Pop Culture class failed her for using the “exclusionary” term despite admitting that she submitted a “solid proposal.”

Her proposal was about the history of women in professional sports, which would include the topic of transgender women competing in women’s sports.

Krolczyk says her gender studies teacher gave her a zero on her essay proposal because she used the ‘forbidden’ term “biological women,” and that this was not the first time she’s run into issues with this professor.

Twenty-year-old sophomore Olivia Krolczyk first told her story in a now-viral TikTok video, and this week gave an interview to the New York Post and Jesse Watters Primetime on Fox News to share her experience further.

Her TikTok video includes an image of an email she received from her professor which states in part: “Olivia, this is a solid proposal. However, the terms ‘biological women’ are exclusionary and are not allowed in this course as they further reinforce heteronormativity.”

A new professor will grade her work and a file will be sent to the dean. 

Read More Here: Student Failed For Using Term “Biological Woman”