State Records 36 Tornadoes in One Day

Colorado set a record June 21 for the number of confirmed tornadoes on a calendar day in the state, with 36 occurring in Logan and Washington counties on the eastern plains.

The NWS reported most of those tornadoes were of low intensity and short-lived, but a few in Washington County lasted longer and reached EF2 intensity.

Most were over open areas and only a few locations had any damage, the National Weather Service (NWS) in Boulder said in a report released Thursday.

“This is by far the most tornadoes confirmed on a calendar day in the state of Colorado,” the NWS said.

This shattered the previous record of 27, which occurred in May 2000.

NWS said that this number may not be the most ever in the state.

This is because more tornadoes are reported than ever before due to things like GPS data, smartphones and storm chasers.

Read More Here: State Records 36 Tornadoes in One Day

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