Papa John’s Is Changing Its Name

When the founder of Papa John’s was caught using a racial slur, he lost his company.

John Schnatter resigned after the recording of him blatantly abusing the N-word on a marketing call was released to the public.

Since then, the company has struggled to distance itself from Schnatter and all the bad publicity he drew toward the restaurant chain.

Now, Papa John’s Pizza has announced a new logo and a slight name change to help put Schnatter’s connection to the company into the distant past.

A press release from the pizza chain declared the new branding a step toward a better future for the struggling business.

The company hopes that by changing its name and logo, it will be able to enter a new era of pizza making that can make new customers happy.

The name change is actually quite simple. Instead of calling the restaurant chain Papa John’s, it will now be called Papa Johns.

The brand simply dropped the apostrophe from the name, indicating that more than one John is involved with the company.

In the press release, Papa Johns also explained that these changes were being made to celebrate their growth and future.

Read More Here: Papa John’s Is Changing Its Name, But Not Everyone Is Happy About It

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