Hungry Black Bear Surprises Bakers, Steals 60 Cupcakes

Hungry Black Bear Surprises Bakers, Steals 60 Cupcakes

A black bear surprised and scared bakery workers while stealing 60 cupcakes from Taste By Spellbound bakery in Avon, Connecticut.

Bakery workers who were loading up a shipment in a van were startled when a bear wandered into their garage and began helping itself to cupcakes before workers were able to scare it off.

“All the sudden we hear (a worker) screaming bloody murder and then yelling ‘there’s a bear in the garage!’’ Taste by Spellbound owner Miriam Stephens writes in an Instagram post.

Stephens says she then called 911.

Williams tried shouting at the bear to see if it would leave, but it retreated as fast as it returned. 

The video shows the bear dragging a box from the garage and consuming its contents.

Stephens said the bear ate 60 cupcakes and also some coconut cakes.

“We’re safe but the cupcakes aren’t,” Stephens said in a post.

Read More Here: Bakery Workers Catch Hungry Black Bear Stealing 60 Cupcakes