Women Marrying Themselves “Expression of Self Love”

Brittany Rist walked down the aisle in a dress and a white veil to the song, “Girl.” It was Rist’s wedding, and there was no beaming partner waiting at the altar.

Rist said “I do” to herself, and committed to loving herself for better or worse.

The concept of self-marriage, or sologamy, has been around for years.

No data exist on how many people celebrate sologamy with ceremonies, but the practice has been explored in a handful of recent news articles.

CNN talked to four women who’ve married themselves. They describe the act as a symbolic expression of self-love and an affirmation of a deep, meaningful relationship with one’s self.

They also say it has nothing to do with swearing off future partnerships with a spouse, which they say is a popular misconception.

Critics have slammed the practice as narcissistic. Sologamy is not legally binding in the US and is not recognized by the laws of any country.

But an expert says people who commit to loving themselves after working on inner healing are on to something.

Read More Here: These women wanted a symbolic expression of self-love. So they married themselves