Rare Leonardo da Vinci Drawings Make Debut In The United States

The “Codex Atlanticus,” a massive collection of Leonardo da Vinci’s drawings and written notes from 1478 to his death in 1519, is widely considered to be one of the most valuable works from the Renaissance.

And for the first time, some of the pages from the famed polymath’s collection will be on display in the United States.

The Martin Luther King Jr. Memorial Library in Washington, D.C., will host the “Imagining the Future – Leonardo da Vinci: In the Mind of an Italian Genius” exhibition from June 21 to Aug. 20.

Upon entering the exhibition on the lower level of the library, visitors will be able to see 12 drawings for a self-propelling cart, sketches for wings on flying machines, designs for hydraulic pumps and more.

The library hopes “visitors will gain a deeper understanding of the origins of technologies we often take for granted and marvel at the remarkable mind that anticipated them centuries ago.” 

Several designs inside the Codex Atlanticus inspired technology seen in the modern world, such as aircraft, autonomous vehicles and underwater exploration.

There’s also “Leonardo’s Lab,” a hands-on installation that allows young visitors to learn about da Vinci through working puzzles, creating helicopters, building simple machines and more.

Read More Here: Rare Leonardo da Vinci Drawings Make Debut In The United States