Meet PublicSq. – The Alternative To Amazon

PublicSq. brands itself as a  “pro-life, pro-family, and pro-freedom patriotic parallel economy.”

“We’re going after Amazon,” CEO and founder Michael Seifert told National Review last month.

PublicSq. cannot compete one-to-one with Amazon. No one can. Amazon is the most monolithic tech company in the county. Amazon is the “default” online marketplace.

But Amazon has long engaged in politically-motivated governance — from blocking ads to suppressing book sales to manipulating the ranking of items.

PublicSq. can fill market demand.

Already, PublicSq. has accumulated over 1.1 million consumer users and 55,000 businesses since its launch on July 4, 2022.

Monday, Seifert announced the company would go public through the SPAC Colombier Acquisition Corp. (NYSE: $CLBR) on July 20.

PublicSq. seeks to fill that void with smaller businesses that offset the political messaging of Big Business.

Read More Here: Meet PublicSq., The Conservative Alternative To Amazon

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