Obama Backs “Child Porn” Books in Libraries

Former US President Obama was “called out” by news outlets on his stance behind sexually charged books in children’s school libraries.

In a Monday letter, former President Barack Obama praised librarians who push LGBT-themed books on kids.

Obama criticized “book bans” across American school libraries, which have resulted from parents complaining of their children being exposed to sexually explicit content.

The former president claimed many books which “shaped his life” are being banned in order to target LGBTQ, indigenous people, and racial minorities.

Obama’s letter on Monday supported Unite Against Book Bans, a campaign led by the American Library Association (ALA).

Obama also appeared in a TikTok video posted by the Kankakee Public Library, from Illinois, which has found success with viral videos.

“Today, some of the books that shaped my life—and the lives of so many others—are being challenged by people who disagree with certain ideas or perspectives. It’s no coincident that these ‘banned books’ are often written by or feature people of color, indigenous people, and members of the LGBTQ+ community—though there have been unfortunate instances in which books by conservative authors or book containing ‘triggering’ words or scenes have been targets of removal. Either way, the impulse seems to be to silence, rather than engage, rebut, learn from or seek to understand views that don’t fit our own.”

Obama claimed it is “ironically” Christians who are calling for banning sexually explicit books, adding that librarians are “attacked” by those who do not understand the essential role they play in society.

If you can stomach it (I couldn’t get through the whole video), here’s a real-life child reading out of a book Oabma and many like him, support.

Read More Here: Obama Backs “Child Porn” Books in Libraries

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