Child Raises $17,000 for Maui Victims Through Lemonade Stand

Edison Juel, 5, raised over $17,000 to support victims of the Maui wildfires by hosting a lemonade stand called Lemonade for Lahaina. 

He and his family were on a vacation on the Big Island when the fires started, according to USA Today

His mother Ami Juel said, “It was Wednesday afternoon, we had the news on, and he asked me to turn it off because he said that made him too sad.”

“At that point, I realized he really was paying attention and listening, that we needed to actually address it,” she went on. 

The family had vacationed in Lahaina in the past and learning how the people they had met were experiencing such a disaster caused Edison to want to help them.  

When they returned home to Seattle, the family set up a lemonade stand for Edison to run. 

The stand was open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. on Saturday, Aug. 19, and drew in donations for much more than the $1 price tag that the lemonade was sold for. 

View the Instagram post here.

Support from those wishing to donate through Venmo continued throughout the week and by Friday, Edison had raised over $17,000. 

Read More Here: Child Raises $17,000 for Maui Victims Through Lemonade Stand

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