Amazon Shuts Down Customer’s Smart Home Devices After Driver Claims Racism

Amazon shut off a man’s smart home devices for a week after a delivery driver falsely accused the customer of hurling a racial slur via a doorbell intercom.

On June 4, blogger Brandon Jackson wrote that on May 25, he found he had been locked out of his Echo Show account.

He was unable to interact with the devices connected to it, after a parcel had been delivered the day before.

“This wasn’t just a simple inconvenience, though,” he said.

When his devices stopped responding, he initially thought someone tried to access his accounts, however, when he contacted customer service, he was told in an accusatory tone the delivery driver heard racist remarks from his Ring doorbell and thus his Amazon Echo has been shut down.

Brandon said he also checked the video surveillance cameras at his home and found no such comments were made through the device, and said it was likely the delivery driver misheard since he was wearing headphones.

What happened to Jackson really highlights the growing number of household features and appliances becoming increasingly technologically advanced and the potential pitfalls of an interconnected home.

Read More Here: Amazon Shuts Down Customer’s Smart Home Devices After Driver Claims Racism