Archaeologists Unearth 400-Year-Old “Vampire” Child In Poland

Archaeologists in Pień, Poland, have recently found a child’s burial from the 17th century.

The child was found buried face down with a padlock around its foot. The padlock would have prevented the child from leaving the grave after death.

According to Live Science, the graveyard was located near the northern city of Bydgoszcz.

The graveyard was designed for “abandoned souls” and poverty-stricken individuals who could not afford a churchyard plot.

Poliński has been excavating the area for several years, and his team has found approximately 100 graves. The vampire child, sex unknown, was between the ages of five and seven.

he child’s remains were located next to a “vampire” woman who was unearthed in 2022 with a similar burial date.

She too had a padlock on her foot as well as a sickle over her neck. People used padlocks to make sure bodies stayed in their graves.

Even though the word “vampires” is thrown around, the concept of vampires as we understand them today didn’t exist in the 17th century.

Read More Here: Archaeologists Unearth 400-Year-Old “Vampire” Child In Poland

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