Here’s Who Founded Father’s Day

Sonora Smart Dodd is the visionary behind Father’s Day, who was dedicated to honoring fathers and establishing a national holiday.

In the early 20th century, Sonora Smart Dodd, a passionate advocate for fathers, went on a mission to establish a special day to honor them.

 Inspired by Mother’s Day, she felt the need to recognize the contributions of fathers too.

She believed fathers deserved equal recognition and appreciation for their tireless efforts and unconditional love.

Sonora Smart Dodd’s vision gained momentum when she approached the Spokane Ministerial Association in Washington, seeking their support to create an official Father’s Day.

 It wasn’t until 1972 when President Richard Nixon signed a proclamation, Father’s Day became a nationally recognized holiday in the United States.

Since then, it has been celebrated on the third Sunday of June each year.

Read More Here: Here’s Who Founded Father’s Day